Home » PDP Govs Forum: Atikulated Global Movement (AGM) Congratulates Senator Bala, Says His Good Deeds Speak For Him

PDP Govs Forum: Atikulated Global Movement (AGM) Congratulates Senator Bala, Says His Good Deeds Speak For Him

The members of AGM comprising some PDP Candidates and Aspirants in the recent elections have extended their congratulatory message to the Governor of Bauchi State, His Excellency Senator Bala Mohammed as the newly elected Chairman of People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Governor’s Forum.

In a congratulatory message released and personally signed by the Chairperson of the group, AGM which comprises of all PDP Former Aspirants and some Candidates, Hon (Mrs) Bolanle Sarumi Aliyu politically known as BASA expressed her joy on the emergence of Senator Bala Mohammed as the Chairman, PDP Governor’s Forum. She described Senator Bala Mohammed as a man of many parts and very accommodative. It is, therefore , a case of putting a round peg in a round hole.

The statement reads thus:

On behalf of all members of Atikulated Global Movement (AGM) we heartily rejoice and felicitate with His Excellency Senator Bala Mohammed on his appointment as Chairman PDP Governor’s Forum.
For H.E Senator Bala Mohammed to become the PDP Governor’s Forum Chairman at this time is well-deserved, especially considering his vast leadership experience in the Senate and even as the Governor of Bauchi State.