Home » Hon. Olabode Michael (Butter) Jubilates with Muslims across Nigeria during Sallah

Hon. Olabode Michael (Butter) Jubilates with Muslims across Nigeria during Sallah

The Osun State Coordinator and South West Publicity Secretary for the Atikulated Global Movement (AGM) celebrated the Sallah festival with Muslims across Nigeria.

As a staunch supporter of the PDP, the coordinator used the occasion to foster unity and promote the party’s ideals of inclusivity and religious tolerance.

During the celebration, the coordinator visited various Muslim communities, where he joined them in prayers and shared goodwill messages. He also provided support to the less privileged, and financial assistance to those in need.

In his address, the coordinator emphasized the need for Nigerians to embrace peace and unity, irrespective of their religious or ethnic backgrounds. He encouraged Muslims to continue to uphold the teachings of Islam, such as love, compassion, and charity, not only during the festive season but throughout the year.

The coordinator further stated that the PDP remains committed to ensuring the welfare and progress of all Nigerians, regardless of their religious affiliations. He urged Muslims to support the government in its efforts to improve security, infrastructure, and the overall well-being of the country.

The celebration of Sallah with Muslims provided an opportunity for the coordinator to connect with the grassroots and strengthen the party’s support base in Osun State and the South West region. It also demonstrated his commitment to religious harmony and the promotion of peaceful coexistence.

Overall, the Osun State Coordinator and South West Publicity Secretary for AGM celebrated Sallah with Muslims in Nigeria, spreading joy and promoting unity among various religious groups.